Luxe Life

   Luxe Life


Welcome To My Blog

Luxe Life Daily Principles to Live By

My Blog focuses on living an incredible and grateful life.

Featuring all of my favorite things: Travel, Fashion, Home, Family, Design, Hotels, Restaurants, Real Estate and Fabulous Finds.

Come Aboard and Be Inspired!

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

I just can't get enough .... of my virtual friends.

#Instagram is filled with so many amazing, talented and inspirational beings from around the world and every corner of the earth. I can't even read some posts as I don't speak that particular language, but who cares, a #photograph is worth 1000 words. And beauty and inspiration is seen and felt, not heard.

It's like Christmas morning everyday when I wake up - whether it be to a new idea, a cool product, an incredible photograph or spark of genius. #Inspiration is everywhere.

Your inspirational photographs and thoughts fill my heart.

Merry Christmas 🎁 Happy Holidays ⭐️ Happy New Year to you!

Keep Posting. Keep Inspiring. Keep Dreaming & Keep Wishing Upon A Star ⭐️ ❀️

Much love, success and happiness to you, always. βŒβ­•οΈβŒβ­•οΈβ€ΌοΈ



Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

you know you are an empty nester when...

you know you are an empty nester when...